Here at Koh Tao .Asia we specialize in helping you plan the perfect getaway. From Accommodations, Diving Courses, Sailing trips, Adventure Packages and so much more. Book the trip of a lifetime with us.
We are partnered with Agoda, an internationally recognized hotel booking organization with over 285,000 hotels available worldwide, in 37,000 different cities. Agoda has over 7,000,000 satisfied customers.
The Agoda system offers unbiased and legitimate reviews. Only paying customers are able to submit reviews on hotels, so you can be confident that the 4,000,000 reviews on Agoda are genuine.
The Agoda Price Guarantee: If you have reserved a hotel room through Agoda and then show us that you could book the same room for the same dates at a lower rate that is viewable and bookable on another website, we will either match that rate or beat it. and Agoda offer Unbeatable Support, so we are there when you need us.
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Ever have a hard time deciding where and what to eat? Check out some of Koh Tao's most famous restaurants and thier menues. Many will prepare your food ahead for take-out and others will even deliver! Click through some of the restaurant and cafe descriptions for more info.